Saturday 1 October 2016

I Don't Know What To Call This!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while,but school has been soooo stressful and let's just say...WikiHow doesn't help as much as I thought it would! I just wanted to quickly let you know that since I'm back at school and it's the start of GCSE's and options (and yes I feel like I'm too young to make decisions that can change my life...but that's a different conversation for a different dayπŸ˜‚) I don't really have much time to write blog posts. So I originally was meant to post every Saturday which I am going to try to do as much as possible ,but if I don't have time I still want to give you something...So if I miss a most I am going to link some of my favourite blog posts of all time...Wether that's Zoella or a blogger that you've never heard of before!x It may even expand your horizonsπŸ˜‚
Hope you've enjoyed this messed up excuse of a blog postπŸ˜‚
Lots of love,
Jess xx❤️

The Most Amazing Person Ever!!


So this post is about Lauryn!x Now if you don't know who Lauryn is,she is my most favourite person in the whole entire world and she is currently sitting next to me! Honestly,she means the absolute world to me and I don't know what I would do without her (Really Cheesy I know)! If you ever have a best friend half like Lauryn you will be the happiest person alive...I could go on about her for ages,but trust me that would be a very long paragraph!😊 She also has a blog too ,so to be sure to check it out,it's nearly at 800 veiws!!! (Blog4girl) If you're reading this,thank you soooo much for everything!x πŸ˜»πŸ’ŸπŸ˜
Lots of Love,

Jess xx❤

My Obsession With WikiHow!!


I'm not going to lie,but recently I have been obsessed with WikiHow! Like its ridiculous,I spend more time on there then I do any other website (Apart from YouTube obviously). I  actually think it is kind of getting a bit serious. So flashback to around two weeks ago,WikiHow just used to be a website that i might happen to come across if i needed help on something that i had searched on google. But then,then it started to get bad! Now,since we're going back to school very shortly,I decided that I wanted to be that person who has their life sorted out!! So, I remembered about site called WikiHow and searched 'How to be organised at school' And in a blink of an eye all of these articles just popped up! After reading one,I felt like I couldn't stop! And before I know it I'm on there every second of every day. I think I need to go to Wikihow rehab! Sorry if this blog post was very weird,but I felt like I needs to share it with someone!xx
Lots of love,

Jess xx❤

Sunday 7 August 2016

Dealing With School Pressure!

Hello again!x
I hope you're doing fine!x Now I know it's the school holidays,and i'm very sorry to mention school,because I know that's the last thing that you want on your mind, but at some point we all have to go back whether we like it or not.You either love it, or hate it... Personally I'm not a big fan,but like many others I find school hard in many different ways,its not just the 'being popular'or being 'Cool with a capital KπŸ˜‚' kind of thing,its the pressure that schools and teachers may put on us.In our school we have 'aspirational targets' and 'minimum expected grades' and for some people they're fine,but for many others,they're not.And, If I don't get them it makes me feel so disappointed in myself and that I'm a failure. And just because I'm a bubbly girl,it doesn't mean it doesn't get to me.So,if I don't reach my expected grade, and I hear everybody else's amazing grades, it just makes me feel like a complete failure. But then I realised that I'm not the only one who feels like that (Really Cheesy I know,but its true!) So I worked out how to use it to my advantage! Instead of feeling down and disappointed,I use it as an excuse to try harder and show the teacher who's boss!(not that there needs to be an excuse but you get me!) You could do that by maybe trying extra hard on homework to show that you care,and wow the teachers! Or maybe just do 15 minutes of researching your topic,so you can impress the teachers the next day. Just little things like that can make a huge difference if you give it time.And just forget about everyone else, it doesn't matter about all of them,all that matters is you,no one else's grades are going to make a difference to your life,so why let it bother you? If you improve on your grade or exam,even slightly,allow yourself to be proud and treat yourself...Get a family sized bar of chocolate or maybe some popcorn ,put a face mask on,and let yourself go in the world of Netflix and YouTube! Treating yourself will help to motivate you,and improve confidence. You may not notice a difference straight away,but in time it will make you feel happier!x I hope you enjoyed this post,and feel free to write something on the subject in the comments xx Lots of love,
Jess xx❤


Welcome to the world that I call my blog! My name is Jessica,(But you can call me Jess) and I decided to create a blog (Obviously πŸ˜‚). I want this blog to be a judge free place,where anyone can talk about anything and feel comfortable about it...You can ask me anything and I will try and answer the best I can,if I can't answer a question,or think there is something else that will help,I will be sure to mention it (For example this may be another website).  I will be uploading posts weekly,about anything and everything!x I hope you enjoy my blog xx
Jess xx❤

P.S I have another blog which I will also be posting on xx